Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Taking it a day at a time

Today I had some money and was tempted to play the VLT's but willpower got me through it. One of the main reasons I gamble is because I feel I need to make money. Thank God today I didn't shove that $300 into a machine and put it towards bills. I rewarded myself with some diet pop.
I am confused about my purpose in life. I can't keep a job. I like exciting things. So many times I wanted to be a big shot gambler. Hanging out at the track, eating their awesome BLT's all day with a crown and coke in my hand, picking the ponies and playing the machines between races. Most of those guys there look like bums for a reason, they are broke. They are total junkie addicts. The track has their hooks in them.

I am starting to think maybe I need to spread the message about how bad gambling is and maybe help some people, but not sure where to start. I first need to make a living. Maybe that will develop in the coming months, who knows ? Anyway , I am just going to try and make a daily post here and keep myself on the ball.